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4_2020 edition Competition for funding PhD students' activities.

4_2020 edition Competition for funding PhD students' activities.

Due to the prolonged epidemic situation and the related restrictions, which hinder or prevent the activities of PhD students outside Poland, the Doctoral Students’ Union of the Jagiellonian University announces recruitment for the 4_2020 edition in conjunction with the second special edition of the competition for funding the activities of PhD students.

In the second special edition, the purchase of scientific or other literature related to the conducted research (e.g. novels or comic books being the subject of the analysis) as well as e-books and DVD films will be co-financed. Selected publications can be ordered from abroad, however, due to the additional costs of customs duty, only from countries belonging to the European Union. 
In the 4_2020 edition, you can apply for funding proofreading of scientific articles meeting the conditions set out in the regulations of the Competition for funding PhD students' activities. 
The maximum amount of funding in the literature purchase category is PLN 500, and in the proofreading category - PLN 1,000. 
The application has to be submitted online, using Office Forms  between 2nd and 16th September 2020.  
The application forms are available at our website at Grants -> Special edition and Language corrections. 
During settlements, the rules described in the document "settlement rules" apply. 
The answers to the Frequently Asked Questions during the first edition of the competition are available below. 

Guidelines for online submissions:
1) The application form does not have to be signed by the doctoral student and their supervisor (or other authorized person).
2) The application form has to be submitted through the provided Microsoft Forms, from the doctoral student’s account at domain.
3) An e-mail from the doctoral student’s supervisor or other authorized person displaying approval, and sent from an e-mail at or other university’s domain has to be provided as an attachment to the application form.
4) In the case of an application for publication funding, the review has to be submitted as a scan of a signed print-out or as text (in .doc or .pdf format) and an e-mail confirming the contents of the review, sent by the reviewer from an address at (or other university’s) domain.
Should you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact the coordinator of the 4_2020 edition, Urszula Malina, at

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