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COIMBRA GROUP 3-MINUTE-THESIS JAGIELLONIAN UNIVERSITY® (CG 3MT JU) is a contest for PhD students in which they may introduce their research during a 3-minute presentation, in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience. Competitors are allowed one slide, but no other resources.

The regulations of 3-Minute-Thesis (3MT) contests, now held worldwide, were created in 2008 by the University of Queensland, Australia. The Coimbra Group - a network of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Europe - has been holding the final of 3MT contest during its yearly General Assembly since 2017. 
The network-wide competition consists of two phases: in the first phase, after holding their institutional 3MT competition, universities are invited to submit the video of the winner from their own internal competitions to the Coimbra Group office, which then launches an online voting procedure. The live final is the second and last phase of the competition, where the three shortlisted candidates are assessed by a judging panel for a first, second and third prize of, respectively, € 3000, € 2000 and € 1000.

In 2019/2020 academic year, the Jagiellonian University, as a member of the Coimbra Group, took part in the CG3MT competition for the first time. The winner of the JU’s final was Dominika Werońska, a PhD candidate from Doctoral School in the Humanities, with a presentation titled “Mapping Literature. Where Sciences and Humanities meet”. 
The second edition of the CG 3MT JU Competition will be held in academic year 2020/2021 under the honorary patronage of the Rector of the Jagiellonian University. Practical workshops will be prepared for all participants of the Competition to improve their scientific presentation skills. Participants chosen by the Jury for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will be awarded with prestigious prizes, such as research trips to universities constituting the Coimbra Group. Moreover, the winner of CG 3MT JU will be nominated by the Jagiellonian University to represent it in 3MT final, held in 2021 year in Prague.
This competition is not only an opportunity to face off young researchers from various scientific disciplines in the art of presentation but also a great opportunity to practice presenting a large scope of work in a concise and precise manner so that the recipient understands its meaning and purpose in just a few minutes — a skill that is much-needed in the modern world.

Applications are open until January 31st.

We invite PhD students to take part in the competition.  Detailed information about it is available at: 

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