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Nieobecność Prezesa TD UJ

Nieobecność Prezesa TD UJ

Informujemy, że z przyczyn osobistych Prezes TD UJ Maciej Wcisło będzie niedostępny w dniach od 12 czerwca do 8 lipca. W tym okresie, na podstawie art. 16 ust. 1 Regulaminu TD UJ, Prezesa będzie zastępowała Wiceprezes TD UJ ds. Collegium Medicum Gabriela Lampart.
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DKF - zagłosuj na film!

DKF - zagłosuj na film!

The Culture Commission of the Jagiellonian University’s PhD Student Association invites you to choose the film we will watch during the next edition of the Doctoral Students’ Film Club, which will take place on Tuesday June 20th.
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Nowy Regulamin szkół doktorskich UJ

Nowy Regulamin szkół doktorskich UJ

Uprzejmie informujemy, że Senat Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego uchwalił nowy Regulamin szkół doktorskich UJ.
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Doctoral Students’ Film Club

Doctoral Students’ Film Club

The Culture Commission of the Jagiellonian University’s PhD Student Association invites you to the next edition of the Doctoral Students Film Club, which will be held on Thursday May 18th at 6:45 PM in the White Room of the Cinema Under the Rams. This time, we will watch Ali Abbasi's The Three Musketeers: D'Artagnan (France, 2022; in French with Polish subtitles). The film's description comes from the distributor.
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Results of the WIOSNA_2023 special edition Competition for funding PhD students' activities

Results of the WIOSNA_2023 special edition Competition for funding PhD students' activities

In the WIOSNA_2023 special edition of the Competition for the Funding of PhD Students' Activities, PhD Students could have applied for co-financing conference organization. 3 applications were submitted, 1 of which were approved and 2 applications were rejected. Co-financing was granted in the total amount of PLN 4 500.
Read More o Results of the WIOSNA_2023 special edition Competition for funding PhD students' activities